Design Ideas

Interior Design Rules

Unleash the Power of the 90-10 Rule in Interior Design: Mastering Perfect Balance

Unleash the Power of the 90-10 Rule in Interior Design: Mastering Perfect Balance

May 30, 2023

The 90-10 rule is a variation of the 80-20 rule, which is a popular concept in many fields, including business, economics and management. It states that 80% of the results come from 20% of the causes. But how can you use this rule to improve your interior design?


What is the 90-10 rule in interior design?



Create a striking and theatrical workspace utilizing the principles of the 90-10 interior design rule

The 90-10 rule in interior design is a simple guideline that helps you create a bold and dramatic space. It suggests that you should choose one dominant style or color scheme for 90% of your room, and a contrasting or complementary style or color scheme for the remaining 10%. This way, you can achieve a striking look without being too overwhelming or too bland.

For example, if you want to create a glamorous and luxurious room, you can use gold, silver and white as your main colors for 90% of your space, and add some pops of black or red for the remaining 10%. Or if you prefer a cozy and rustic room, you can use wood, natural fabrics and earthy tones for 90% of your space, and add some metallic accents or geometric shapes for the remaining 10%.


What are the key elements of the 90-10 rule?



Enhance your living room ambiance by incorporating artwork in accordance with the principles of the 90-10 rule in interior design


The 90-10 rule can be applied to various elements of interior design, such as furniture, accessories, lighting, artwork and rugs. Here are some tips on how to use the rule for each element:

  • Furniture: Choose one main style of furniture for 90% of your room, such as modern, traditional, vintage or industrial. Then mix in some pieces from a different style for the remaining 10%, such as a classic armchair, a retro coffee table or a bohemian pouf. This will create some visual interest and personality in your space.
  • Accessories: Choose one main theme or color scheme for 90% of your accessories, such as plants, candles, books or pillows. Then add some contrast or variety with the remaining 10%, such as a statement vase, a quirky sculpture or a colorful throw. This will create some focal points and texture in your space.
  • Lighting: Choose one main type of lighting for 90% of your room, such as natural light, ambient light or task light. Then add some drama or mood with the remaining 10%, such as a pendant lamp, a floor lamp or a string light. This will create some depth and ambiance in your space.
  • Artwork: Choose one main style or genre of artwork for 90% of your room, such as abstract, landscape or portrait. Then add some spice or surprise with the remaining 10%, such as a pop art poster, a graffiti mural or a collage. This will create some character and expression in your space.
  • Rugs: Choose one main pattern or material for 90% of your rugs, such as solid, striped or wool. Then add some flair or warmth with the remaining 10%, such as a floral print, a cowhide or a shaggy rug. This will create some dimension and coziness in your space.


How to perfect the 90-10 technique in interior design?


Hestya-online-interior-design-using-the-9010-rule-for-a-living-room-with-different-elementsAchieve a living room design by implementing the 90-10 rule, where lighting and artwork play a consistent and harmonious role

The 90-10 rule is not a strict formula, but rather a flexible guideline that you can adapt to your own taste and preference. Here are some ways to perfect the technique and make it work for you:

  • Experiment with different ratios: You don’t have to stick to exactly 90% and 10%. You can try different proportions depending on the size and shape of your room, the mood and atmosphere you want to create, and the amount of contrast and harmony you want to achieve. For example, you can go for 85-15, 80-20 or even 75-25 if you want more balance or diversity in your space.
  • Play with different elements: You don’t have to apply the rule to every element in your room. You can focus on one or two elements that you want to highlight or emphasize, and leave the rest more neutral or simple. For example, you can use the rule for your furniture and accessories only, and keep your lighting and artwork more consistent or minimal.
  • Have fun with different styles and colors: You don’t have to limit yourself to one style or color scheme for each category. You can mix and match different styles and colors within the same category as long as they complement each other and create a cohesive look. For example, you can use different shades of gold for your main color scheme, and different types of wood for your main furniture style.


Benefits of the 90-10 rule


The 90-10 rule can bring many benefits to homeowners who want to create a stunning and memorable space. Here are some of them:

  • The rule can help you make a statement and impress your guests by creating a strong visual impact and showcasing your unique style and taste.
  • It can help you express your creativity and individuality by allowing you to experiment with different styles and colors and adding some unexpected touches that reflect your interests and hobbies.
  • It can help you achieve a more dynamic and lively look in your room by creating a contrast between the dominant and the secondary elements and avoiding too much monotony or dullness.


Ready to try the 90-10 rule in interior design?


Do you want to learn how to apply the 90-10 rule in interior design and create a stunning space? Then you need to check out Hestya. Hestya is an online interior design company that provides you with high-quality custom products, affordable service and a 3D scanning app for interior design.

Hestya helps you discover your unique style by taking a quick and fun style quiz that connects you with one of their expert designers. We also helps you see your dream space by using our cutting-edge app that scans your room in minutes and creates a realistic 3D model that you can personalize with our products.

We offer a wide range of products that fit any style and budget, from furniture and lighting to rugs and artwork. 

So what are you waiting for? Contact us know to not miss any chance to turn your dream home into reality!






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